#18 48 years in the making

Like a Rolling Stonebob_dylan_artist_230113_640x360

In 1965, music videos were not a part f our culture. Bob Dylan didn’t have the option to make a video for his song “Like a Rolling Stone” that came out in 1965. After 48 years, however, Bob dylan decided to release a music video for his song. However, I’m not sure how accurate the term “music video” describes it. Interlude Studios helped  Dylan created an interactive video for his song that works like a TV. Viewers can flip through different TV channels and watch different people singing his song. For example, one may be the jewelry channel, but instead of describing jewelry, the woman is actually singing the song. Another may be someone from “The Price is Right” where someone who just won is singing. You can’t help but giggle every time you change the channel to a face you may not be expecting. It is clever and hilarious.

This interactive video is similar to the Pharrell Williams “Happy” song contributed to the movie Despicable Me 2. Seeing all of the happy people in this video can’t stop you from smiling and enjoying the little things of life.



Each of these artist has come up with a creative form of musical expression. Although each are from very differnt generations, they were both able to think of a similar way to portray themselves. It also brings Bob Dylan back into the gossip of the music world. After not being around like he used to, this was a great way to get people talking.